Mould Removal

Mould removal and safety issues

Before you consider toxic mould removal or general  mould decontamination, you must identify and remediate the moisture issues otherwise mould will quickly grow again. Killing mould with fungicides is not a recommended action as dead mould is often more allergenic and possibly toxic than live mould.
Biocides and fungicides are poisons designed to kill bacteria and life forms and humans may be affected by residual action.

The NHS provide invaluable information on normal mould removal and this can be undertaken by anyone subject to their advice and protection (see link to NHS)

During its life cycle mould will release spores and sometimes mycotoxins. Spores may remain viable though dormant for years or die and desiccate. When the spores are under attack from drying out or poisoning  through the application of biocides or indeed other  mould and bacteria species they may release mycotoxins which can sometimes be extremely toxic chemicals.
Mould should always be removed and never killed and removal should encompass safeguards to protect both the person doing this work and the general environment to prevent the release or exposure  of spores and toxins.
Mould removal over a few square feet can be reasonably undertaken  by anyone wearing suitable protection but larger areas over 10 square feet should  usually be  under controlled conditions such as negative pressure and air locks to prevent the spread of spores and mycotoxins.
Mould removal is generally seen as a the removal of visible mould but many of the allergens and toxins are so small (sub micron particulates) that they cannot be seen. This doesn’t mean they are present or indeed a health hazard  and measurement can be very expensive. Unfortunately the most sensible option for assessing the presence of these toxins is exposure.  People that find they are suffering health effects after water damage has been remediated “AND all visible or indeed measured spore contamination has been removed  “MAY” be suffering exposure to these sub micron chemical toxins. We will be please to provide information and guidance on this decontamination.

The Toxic Mould web site is part of  and provides all recognised procedures in mould investigation, drying and mould solutions including decontamination and would be pleased to discuss your problems free and without obligation.08700 789 999 or email